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Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications 

1- 2019- Guidi,R., Engerman,S. & Youssef,Y. Educational performance and the role of institutions. International Journal of Educational Research Review, Special Issue,691-700. 


2- 2015- Williams, C.C. and Youssef, Y. Theorizing entrepreneurship in the informal sector in urban Brazil: a product of exit or exclusion? The Journal of Entrepreneurship Vol. 24 No. 2.


3- 2015- Guerra, J.B., Youssef, YA., Piazza dos Santos L., Perreira de Faria A.C., Social Feasibility in the Adoption of Renewable Energy: A case Study of REGSA Project. in Leal Filho W., Azeiteiro U.M., Caeiro S., Alves F. Integrating Sustainability Thinking in Science and Engineering Curricula. PP 453-471, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-09474-8_33


4- 2014-Williams, C.C. and Youssef, Y. Classifying Latin American Economies: A Degree of Informalisation  Approach. International Journal of Business Administration, Vol 5, no 3, pp.73-85.


5- 2014-Williams, C.C. and Youssef, Y. Combating Informal employment in Latin America: A Critical Evaluation of the Neo-Liberal Approach. Research in World Economy, Vol 5, no. 2, pp.1-13.


6- 2014-Williams, C.C. and Youssef, Y. Tackling Informal Entrepreneurship in Latin America: A Critical Evaluation of the Neo-Liberal Policy Approach. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Organization Management, vol 3, pp. 1-9.


7- 2014-Williams, C.C. and Youssef, Y. Is Informal Entrepreneurship Necessity or Opportunity Driven? Some Lessons from Brazil. Business and Management Research, Vol 03, n 1, p. 41-53.


8- 2014- Guttwald J. and Leal W. Youssef, Y.A., Fostering Innovation and Technology Transfer in at Latin American Higher Education Institutions: findings from a labor market survey undertaken as part of the JELARE project. In Anderson, M., Grant, K., Herlaco, K., Devis, J. and Genskowsky. Innovation Support in Latin America and Europe: Theory, Practice and Policy in Innovation and Innovation Systems. Gower Applied Business Research, England.

9- 2013-Williams, C.C. and Youssef, Y. Evaluating the gender variations in informal sector entrepreneurship: some lessons from Brazil, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, Vol. 18, No.1, pp. 1-16.

10- 2013- Williams,C. Youssef, Y. A. Fostering Informal Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Brazil, in Thai, M. and Turkina, E.; Entrepreneurship in the Informal Economy: Models, Approaches and Perspectives for Economic Development. Routdledge Taylor and Francis group.

11- 2012- Williams,C. Kadome, A. Nadin, S. and Youssef, Y. A. Gender variations in the reasons for engaging in informal sector entrepreneurship: some lessons from urban Brazil. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 478-494.

12- 2012- Ursaia, Guilherme Crippa ; Guerra, B. ; Youssef, Y.A. ; Lordman, J. A.. Analyses of The Institutional and Political Frameworks of the Brazilian Electrical Sector. UNISUL de fato e de Direito: Revista Jurídica da Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, v. ano 2, p. 27-56.

13- 2012- Guerra, J.B.; Youssef, Y. A. ; Scuhltz, V. Towards Sustainable Electricity Generation in South America: The footprint of the REGSA project. In: Walter Leal Filho. (Org.). Sustainable Development at Universities: New Horizons. 1ed.Frankfurt: Peter Lang Scientific Publishers: Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Brussels, New York, Oxford, Vienn, 2012, v. , p. 795-809.

14.  2012- Youssef, Y. A., Guerra, José B. S., editors. Renewable Energies In Brazil: Between the University and the Market. Unisul University Press. Brazil.

15- 2011- Youssef, Y. A. and A. Ramirez. The need for a reflection on ICT praxis in Higher Education, Introduction to Youssef, Y. and A. Ramirez (eds.) Social Software in Higher Education: Pedagogical Models and Universities Strategies, Santa Catarina, Brazil: Unisul.

16- 2011- Dolci P., Maçada, A., Youssef, Y. A., IT Portfolio Management: Multiple Case Studies in Manufacturing Business in Brazil. Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico, November 2011. ISSN 2074-4706. Lapaz Bolivia.

17- 2011- Youssef, Y. A., Ramirez, A., editors. Social Software in Higher Education: Pedagogical Models and Universities Strategies. Unisul University Press. Brazil.

18- 2010- Youssef, Y. A., Guerra, José B. S., editors. Renewable Energies Market needs: A Perspective from Europe and Latin America. Hamburg University of Applied Science. Germany.

19- 2010- Youssef, Y. A., Guerra, José B. S., Santos, N. Strategic Knowledge Management for Higher Education Institutions. Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico, rlde, nov. 2010, vol.8, no.14, p.107-126. ISSN 2074-4706. Lapaz Bolivia.


Non-refereed Scholarly Books and Book Chapters


1- 2014-Guerra, J. B.,Youssef, Y., Suni, A., Cerquera, E., Foster, S., Brazil in Vargas, L., Jimenez, G. and Dias, M., Comparative Analysis of Institutional and Technical Conditions Relevant for the Integration of Renewable Energy in South America, pp. 59-79, Universidad de Chile, ISBN978-00-044818-8.


2- 2013- Youssef, Y. A. Organizational Change and the Knowledge Management: Practices and Tools. (Forthcoming October 2014) Unisul University Press. Brazil.


3- 2012- Youssef, Y. A. Guerra, José B. Renewable Energies and Sustainable Management. Unisul University Press. Brazil.

4- 2012- Youssef, Y. A. Organizational Change and the Knowledge Management: Practices and Tools.  Unisul University Press. Brazil.

5- 2012- Guerra, ; Youssef, Y. A.  ; Rebollar, Paola Beatriz May ; RODRIGUES, Paulo Roberto . The Legacy of JELARE Project. 1. ed. Palhoça, Santa Catarina: Editora UNISUL, 2012. v. 500. 330p .

6- 2011- Halepete J., Araujo Gil, Silvio L., Youssef, Y. A.,  Laban Neto A., . A., Cardoso F. S., Xavier W. Retail in the Brazilian Market In Halepete J. Retailing in Emerging Markets, Fairchild Publications. USA.

7- 2008- Youssef, Y. A. University Strategic Management. In University Management. Staliviere, L. and Marcelino, L. Caxias do Sul University Press: EDUCS. v. 3000. Brazil.


Articles in Non-refereed Journals and Technical Reports

1- 2011- Youssef Y. A., Guerra J.B. Managing Sustainability in the Amazon Forest, Matices, Hamburg, Germany. .

2- 2010- Youssef, Y. A., Guerra, J. B. and Martins, R. International Cooperation on Renewable Energies Market, The JELARE Project Case. Working paper nº 67/2010, GlobADVANTAGE - Center of Research in International Business & Strategy.

3- 2008- Youssef, Y. A., Guerra, José B. S.  Faraco, Rafael A.  Faccione, Mauro ; Nunes, Juscelino. BSC Methodology for Strategic Alliances Evaluations.Unisul Internal Seminars, Unisul, Brazil. Technical Report.

4- 2008- Youssef, Y.A., Bittencourt, S.M., Cunha, B. P. G., Machado, C. S., Souza, N. S., Waltrick, S. A., Access to Scientific Data Bases: exploring the partner’s potential. Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina. Unisul Brazil. Technical Report.

5- 2007- Youssef, Y. A., Pacheco, Ana P. H. Montenegro, Carlos E.  Mendível, A. Angeloni, Maria T. Definition of the Future Essential Strategic Competencies for a University, using the Resources Based Firm Approach. Unisul, Brazil. Technical Report.

Scholarly Presentations

1-2016- Almeida, M. Youssef, Y. How to Identify Application and Results of Gamification in Higher Education. IAMB 21st Conference, Montreal, Canada.


2- 2012- Williams C., Youssef, Y., Fostering Informal Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Brazil, American Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, August 2012.

3-  2012- Ramirez, A., Youssef , Y. , Dolci, P.C. An assessment of knowledge management practices in Brazilian higher education institutions,  Administrative Science Association of Canada 2012 conference (ASAC 2012), Saint Johns, June 2012.

4- 2012- Guerra, J.B.; Youssef, Y. A. ; Scuhltz, V. Towards Sustainable Electricity Generation in South America: The footprint of the REGSA project. Rio +20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2012.

5- 2009- Youssef, Y.A., Pacheco, A. Angeloni, Maria T. Essentials Competencies: Models of Conception, Congress of the Association of Brazilian Graduation Studies on Business Administration – EnAnpad, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

6- 2008 Youssef, Y.A., Faccione Filho, M., Faraco, R. A. Social network analysis of an association of Brazilian universities, a case study, The 5th conference on Applications of Social Network Analysis (ASNA), Zurique, Switzerland.

7- 2008- Bittencourt, S.M., Cunha, B. P. G., Machado, C. S., Souza, N. S., Waltrick, S. A., Youssef, Y.A. Access to Scientific Data Bases: A Case Study of the Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina and its Strategic Partners; V symposium of Universities Library Directors from Latin America, SNBU São Paulo, Brazil.

8- 2007- Youssef, Y. A. Santos, N. Fialho, F. J. P. How Knowledge Management Practices could contribute with the Strategic Plan Implementation Process. International Conference of Interactive Computer Aided Blended Learning (ICBL), Florianópolis, Sc, Brazil.

9- 2007- Carvalho M., Coelho C., Eckschmidt A., Faria de Sá M. and Youssef Y. Complexity and Sustainability fostering Eco-design in Social Organizations. Health and Environment World Congress, Santos, SP, Brazil.

10- 2006- Youssef, Y. A., Maçada, A. C. G., Barbosa, F. V., Rodrigues, C. L., Golden, P., Mueller, Rene D. Education in International Business. In: VI Joint Meeting CAPES-FIPSE, São Paulo. Annals of the 6th join CAPES/FIPSE meeting. Brasília. CAPES. Brazil.

Scholarly Work in progress

1- Youssef, Y., Ramirez, A. Knowledge Management Best Practices: an Overview of the Brazilian Higher Education System. Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. (Target: Management Decisions)

2- Ramirez, A., Youssef, Y., Overcoming the Digital Divide: Canadian and Brazilian effort to empower undergraduate students. Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. (Target: Journal of Technology and Culture)

3- Benakoush, R., Youssef, Y., Decision Making Process, organization’s objectives and employers interests: Theoretical elements of the incremental approach. Federal University of Santa Catharina, Florianópolis, Brazil. (Target: Journal of Management Studies)

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